wart Noun: e.g. One wart in “Independence Day” is the palm tree standing intact after aliens have reduced everything else in L.A. to rubble.
Definition: A glaring inconsistency or flaw in the production design.
History: The term is among many attributed to William Cameron Menzies, the production designer of such films as "Gone with the Wind" (1939). In fact, Menzies coined the term "production designer," a position he pioneered when color in films presented numerous challenges unknown to art directors. Many warts are mistakes that might have gone unnoticed in black and white.
The interesting thing about warts is the issue of blame. These are rarely cut-and-dry blunders akin to continuity flaws such as the grip in a cowboy hat standing among the pirates in “Pirates of the Caribbean” (2003). Production designers often claim their low budgets are responsible for warts. For instance, a common wart in the 1950s-60s American International and Hammer Films ghost and vampire movies is the cheesy $10 portrait of the late duke, duchess, count, countess or whatever high roller is supposed to be the movie’s spook or bloodsucker. Hard to commission a John Singer Sargent when the entire budget of your film is four figures.
But what about the portrait of Hugh Crane in the $80,000,000 remake of “The Haunting” (1999)? Not only does this seem the work of the producer's middle school nephew, but If we believe, as America’s great portraitist John Singer Sargent claimed, that people want to be painted the way they see themselves, Hugh Crane saw himself as the big boy of butt ugly.
Production designer Eugenio Zanetti reportedly claimed that to make Hugh Crane look anything other than a troll would have confused the audience, implying the audience could not associate good looks with bad people. By the same token, Patrick Tatopoulos, production designer of “Independence Day,” maintained that palm trees above the rubble were needed to remind the audience that it was looking at L.A. Considering the majority of summer blockbuster audiences range in age from 12 to 22, it’s difficult to argue.
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