Randy Bechtel

2019     2020     2021    2022

  • 2019

  • The Ott House Haunting
    Spooky events cause Widow Ott, her son, a psychic medium and the Bechtels to try to contact a ghost in Ott's suburban house. 4/2019
  • Take Me Out of the Ball Game
    The absurdity of kids who dislike baseball struggling in Little League because their parents need to believe they can play hardball. 6/2019
  • The Who'lldoit? Murder Mystery
  • Show business may be no business for the Vannucchi Mystery Company judging by its meeting to stage a dinner theater mystery at Dino’s Steakhouse. 7/2019
  • Howard the Duck Stops Here
    A 35-year-old anecdote about the making of the movie "Howard the Duck" comes back to haunt me at a ritzy banquet. 8/2019
  • A Name Which Lives in Infamy
  • A genealogist traces the roots of the Bechtel and Adams families to the Merovingian kings, John Adams, John Q. Adams, Mark Twain and a carnival’s bearded lady. 1/2020
  • A Fine How-Do-You-Do!
  • After kicking me three times--the last for allegedly causing a riot--the Sutter Rotary Club won't have me to kick around anymore. 2/2020
  • A Fine How-Do-You-Do! Sequel
    Our shell-shocked community theater troupe decides its future after being deposed for lawsuits arising from audience violence caused by the premiere of our dinner murder mystery. 3/2020
  • "The Abracadabra Cadavers"
    Not even the pandemic can discourage the Blade Hathaway Players from planning their next dinner theater murder mystery. 4/2020
  • There's No Business Like Show Business
    A magician, a local TV star, a British actress and a retired police captain are introduced via Zoom as new cast members of the Blade Hathaway Players. 6/2020
  • Return of Yumpin' Horny Toads
    I change the plot of the “The Abracadabra Cadavers” murder mystery script and the Blade Hathaway Players begin a search for someone to play a homicidal maître d. 8/2020
  • Smoke--No Fire--Just Hot Air
    Thanks to Fantastic Fritz, opening night at an Indian casino leaves the Blade Hathaway Players with, in the words of Ricky Ricardo, "a lot of splainin to do, a lot of splainin." 9/2020


  • Beyond the Kicked Bucket
    I interview Mark Elmo Ellis, Mark Elmer Ellis and Mark Elvis Ellis, certified Old Timers and co-authors of an E-Book about life after death. 7/2021

  • Three Reasons Why Sacramentans Are Called Turkeynecks
    Vaccinations can even save people who have no lives judging by three Sacramento old geezers. 8/2021

  • The Order of Old Timers
    I'm asked to co-create a reality TV series about men certified as "Old Timers" by the Walter Brennan Institute 9/2021

  • The Out-of-Time Old Timer
    I interview an Old Timer whose search for the missing millions of railroad robber baron Mark Hopkins ends with a twist. 10/2021

  • A Truth Full of Lies
    Eddie and I scramble to rework an episode about Harry Wooley’s quest for the lost Hopkins’ millions after Wooley is feloniously squashed by a Desi’s Deliveries truck in Old Sacramento. 11/2021

  • The Thanks-for-Nothing Giving
    My family grows closer during Thanksgiving dinner if it's true that familiarity breeds contempt. 11/2021

  • The Disappearance of Eddie Mars
    Besieged by certified Old Timers wanting to star in his reality TV series, Eddie Mars vanishes and his wife demands that I convince Sacramento police to investigate.12/2021


  • Holy Crap!: The Truth Comes Out
    I reveal to Jane the truth about a genealogist’s report that traced my family tree to Jesus Christ. 1/2022

  • Way of the Dodo
    My sister announces she is founding the Church of Mary Magdalene and Eddie sees another opportunity to create a reality TV series. 2/2022

  • Before Weed
    We eventually learn The Church of Mary Magdalene has settled in Weed, CA. and is butting heads with local taxpayer advocate Rutherford B. Hayes over a proposal to make Weed the sister city of Cannes, France. 3/2022

  • After Weed
    Cameras roll for a reality TV series produced by Eddie Mars as Weed, CA becomes a political battleground for female supremacists, male supremacists, bigoted conservatives and looney “immigrants." 5/2022

  • The Show Goes On
    True stories that may or may not be good enough for reality TV are good enough for me. 5/2022

  • A Happening Place
    Enroute back to Weed, CA from L.A., Mary tells us ‘Weed’ the TV reality series has been greenlit. Jane and our grandson Ben then inform Mary of shocking developments in Weed as reported by Klaus and Mona Odle.  6/2022

  • Mary Vivian Adams for Mayor
    In two columns of  “Mona on the Move,” Mona Odle interviews five new candidates for mayor of Weed, including Margo Butkus and Mary Vivian Adams, both ministers in the Church of Mary Magdalene.  7/2022

  • Above Our Poor Power to Add or Detract
    Candidates for Weed’s mayor—Rutherford B. Hayes VII, Tucker Carlson, Sr., Margo Butkus, Raoul Romero, Fiona Polk-Finkle, Sol Pine and Mary Vivian Adams—go head-to-head in a televised debate moderated by Debbie Waddell. 8/2022

  • I'm Just Sayin'
    Weed mayoral candidate Mary Vivian Adams insidiously initiates a whispering campaign against opponent Raoul Romero that invites self-serving comments from the other candidates. 8/2022

  • Keeping Up with the Mary Mags
    Judging by events in Weed, modern religion, politics and show business are one and the same. 9/2022

  • And the Winner Is . . . ?
    News of the mayoral election straight from a special edition of The Weed News. Totals, candidate comments, photos and more!  . 10/2022

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